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In 2018, Birds Canada began working alongside several partners to coordinate Piping Plover conservation efforts across Ontario. With support from those partners and dedicated volunteers, they are working hard towards a healthy and sustainable Plover population.


Stewardship Grey Bruce is responsible for planning and management of our natural land and water resources. Guided by this overarching premise, Stewardship Grey Bruce exists to support organizations that restore, protect and enhance wildlife and fisheries habitat and the diversity of plants and animals found in Grey and Bruce counties. This not-for-profit organization oversees the Piping Plover Outreach and Education program at Sauble Beach in Bruce County.


Sauble Beach is part of the “town,” and the Plovers appreciate their support; especially the By­law enforcement officers who keep dogs off the beach and beach­goers from setting off fireworks and having campfires on the beach. And to get a sense of what else happens in Sauble Beach, visit their website.


Bruce Power has provided funding to the Piping Plover Recovery Project so that the public outreach and education objectives can be fully accomplished.


One Percent for the Planet started when two businessmen met and bonded over their shared love for the outdoors. Realizing their responsibility to protect our planet, they decided to give 1% of their sales back to the environment—whether or not they were profitable. The Piping Plovers at Sauble Beach are benefiting from their commitment to the environment.


The Piping Plover is listed as an Endangered Species in Ontario, and thus falls under the jurisdiction of the OMNRF. Agency staff, including district Species at Risk Biologists, regional Species at Risk Specialists, and Conservation Officers work towards protecting the Plovers and their habitat, and facilitate communications with other programs in Canada and the United States.


In addition to a provincial listing of “endangered”, Piping Plovers are also protected as endangered species under the federal Species at Risk Act, and under the Migratory Birds Convention Act. Biologists and species experts assist in program development and technical activities (i.e. banding). Enforcement Officers also contribute to the stewardship and protection of Piping Plovers at Sauble Beach.


Port Elgin’s beach is part of this “town,” and the Plovers appreciate their support too. It’s a smaller beach than Sauble, and it’s great that everyone there has embraced sharing their beach with the Plovers.



Organized in 2000, Friends of Sauble Beach is a nonprofit group of volunteers who use their talents, time and energy to ensure that the natural environment of Sauble Beach is conserved and enhanced so that people of all ages and physical ability can enjoy the wonderful sunsets, sand and water of the beach. Their activities focus on the beach and dunes between Lakeshore Boulevard and the edge of Lake Huron from Main Street north to the Sauble River.

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The Lake Huron Centre for Coastal Conservation was founded in 1998 with the goals of protecting and restoring Lake Huron’s coastal environment and promoting a healthy coastal ecosystem.
The Coastal Centre focuses on protecting the coastal environment lake­ wide as a complement to the many environmental advocacy groups that address local issues within the region. Their work is founded on the belief that our coastal communities cannot have a healthy economy unless they have a healthy environment.

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Canada’s Important Bird Areas Program is a science­-based initiative to identify, conserve, and monitor a network of birding sites that provide essential habitat for Canada’s bird populations. They provide a one­-stop resource for information about Canada’s important bird areas, including a search engine to access maps, and identify bird populations, habitat types, and land use activities at Important Bird Areas across Canada.


Birdorable have authorized the use of their Piping Plover design for temporary tattoos to hand out on the beach. If you are interested in birds, or are looking for a unique gift for a bird lover, check out their merchandise. They also have free downloadable colouring pages if you’re looking for a rainy day project and can’t make it to the beach.

Getting involved Across Canada

Piping Plovers belong to different “management units” or “subspecies” across Canada, but many of the threats to their survival are similar. Here you’ll find links to some of the other stewardship programs protecting Piping Plovers in other provinces — and perhaps some insight into the similarities and unique threats at each site. Many have contact information if you are looking to get involved in Piping Plover conservation while on your vacation!

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The second main nesting beach in Ontario (to date): Wasaga Beach! Interested in getting involved in Ontario but can’t make it to Sauble Beach? Perhaps you can make it to Wasaga Beach.


An organization “conserving Alberta’s wild side” aims to protect Plover nests, and improve habitat in Alberta with their Piping Plover Project.


The Plovers on Shore Program is a voluntary stewardship program for landowners. You’ll find information on Saskatchewan Piping Plovers, how to become a steward, and reports on the status of the program since its inception in 2008.



New Brunswick Northern NB – Acadian Peninsula: Nature New Brunswick


Nova Scotia: Bird Studies Canada


Prince Edward Island: Island Nature Trust

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